Is it time to switch your wellness platform?

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, wellness platforms must also continuously adapt. Your platform should mirror the dynamic and flexible nature of your organization while also delivering a frictionless and engaging experience for your participants. 

To help you gauge whether it's time for a switch, consider the following questions:

guy-with-laptop CoreHealth mark

Is the user experience poor?

(For example, are participants complaining about problems logging in, or is the portal not engaging or fun?)

Can the portal be customized with more than just corporate colors and logos?

Are multiple platforms needed to run wellness challenges, conduct health assessments, schedule activities, track incentives, and more?

Is there a limit to how many activity challenges you can provide?

Do you have the freedom to create your own activity challenges?

Can you choose the wellness articles, health risk assessments, and other components that appear on the platform?

Can the portal integrate with health claims information, self-directed programs, or health content?

Can users sync their wearable devices to the portal?

Can you make changes on the portal without having to contact your vendor?

Do you have the ability to pull multiple types of reports?

Does the platform accommodate different languages and cultures?

Can participants personalize their wellness programs to align with their needs, preferences, and schedules?

Your Score

What this means: It’s time to consider a new platform.

It sounds like your current wellness platform is lacking some of the essential features to meet your organization’s needs, and you may want to consider exploring other options.

For a more detailed assessment of your wellness platform and what capabilities you need, reach out to us today.

What this means: Your platform is average.

Although your wellness platform is meeting your organization’s basic needs, there’s certainly room for improvement.

To get a more detailed assessment of your wellness platform and explore new capabilities for your platform, reach out to us today.

What this means: Your platform is working hard for you!

It sounds like your wellness platform works well for your organization and employees! However, you may want to consider additional features and capabilities to optimize your wellness platform.

To explore additional capabilities and get a more detailed assessment of your wellness platform, reach out to us today.

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